
Stumpcutters HSC-Series

Stumpcutters HSC-Series

Hydraram HSC root scissors are designed and built to remove the stump of a tree anchored in the ground by its roots. Ideal for use in forestry!

The stump cutter is specially designed and built to cut and reduce stumps and roots. The released material can be used for the next processing step (chipping, shredding, biomass, etc.). In addition, it facilitates the drying of the remains through a natural drying process.

With this piece of equipment, one is able to effectively complete the work of deforestation by eliminating all soil-rooted parts and it can be used on various types of naturally occurring wood material. The cutting force is produced by the pressure of a hydraulic cylinder, which allows the removal of the root stump from the soil and the subsequent comminution.

There are now 2 models of 1320 kgs to 2380 kgs, suitable for excavators from 13 to 25 tons!

Stumpcutters HSC-Series - Specifications

B mm
C mm
D mm
E mm
Y t.
HSC-1100 HSC-2200
13 - 18 18 - 25
1320 2380
980 1400
350 350
150 - 200 200 - 250
700 940
1500 1940
425 580
2120 2775
26 31

Stumpcutters HSC-Series - Downloads

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